How to Get the Most Out of Your Brainstorming Sessions


For some teams brainstorming may come easily. But maybe when your team gets together to ideate, all you hear are crickets. People may be uncomfortable to share, or may feel like their ideas aren’t good enough. Here are a few ways to create an environment that will encourage people to contribute to your brainstorming sessions:

  • No idea is a bad idea

    Brainstorming isn’t a planning or logistical conversation. Your team should feel comfortable throwing out seemingly crazy, unrealistic, or even bad ideas without the fear of criticism. You never know which idea will spur on the next, better idea. Throw everything you can at the wall to see what sticks.

  • Don’t prune ideas as you go

    You may be tempted to throw away some ideas as “better” ones come up. Even so, let that not-so-good idea sit — you might need it eventually.

  • Bring inspiration to the table

    Even your best sessions can come to a halt, and a great way to jumpstart the conversation is to bring in images, articles, or campaigns done by other companies. Look into your competition and see what’s working, and find ways to build on that. Inspiration can go a long way in coming up with your next best idea.

  • Use a whiteboard

    This one may seem simple, but having a visual of where the discussion is heading is a way to pave the way forward. It also doesn’t feel too permanent — no idea is too silly to write down, because you can always erase it later. But of course, make sure to take a picture of your whiteboard session before erasing!

There’s really no end to what you can do to improve brainstorming sessions. These tips are just a launching pad — now go and make your brainstorms unforgettable!


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