Optimizing Video Content for Social Media and Winning the Video Content Game

Tired of sitting on the sidelines, scrolling through endless videos and thinking, 'My screen time is embarrassing, I wish my brand had great video content capturing everyone’s attention like this…’

Video content isn’t going anywhere, so you might as well benefit from it. In this blog, we'll walk through strategies and techniques to turn your videos from 'meh' to mesmerizing.

This isn't just a trend—video content is re-shaping the landscape of social media and content marketing. Harnessing its power isn't an option anymore, it's a necessity for brands seeking to maximize reach, captivate audiences, amplify their message, and drive impactful engagement in today's digital ecosystem.

We'll simplify the complexities of social media video content, guiding you on what types of video to post where, how you to approach cross-posting for maximum impact, and reasons why many others have either succeeded or failed in their efforts to leverage video content to grow their brand.

Diving into the major social media platforms, we see that each has unique user demographics and content preferences:

  1. Facebook:

    • Facebook's audience is vast and varied (2.8 billion people), encompassing all age groups, but the largest being 25-34 year-olds

    • Its video algorithm favors engaging, shareable content like live videos, longer narrative videos, and user-generated content

    • max length (Reels) - 90 seconds

  2. Instagram:

    • a popular platform among the younger demographics (18-34 years)

    • the platform favors high-quality, creative, and visually stunning content.

    • max length (Reels) - 90 seconds

  3. Twitter:

    • user base tends to be slightly older (25-49 years)

    • favors real-time, concise content like short, attention-grabbing videos or live broadcasts

    • max length - 2 mins and 20 seconds

  4. LinkedIn:

    • this professional network attracts a mature audience (30-49 years) interested in industry insights, educational content, and professional development

    • informative, relevant, and professional videos have the best traction

    • max video length - 15 minutes when uploading from desktop and 10 minutes when uploading from the LinkedIn mobile app

  5. TikTok:

    • dominated primarily by Gen Z (10-19 years)

    • short, engaging, entertaining, and often humorous video content.

    • max video length - 10 minutes

  6. YouTube:

    • caters to all demographics

    • YouTube is the home of long-form video content especially how-to’s, vlogs, product reviews, and educational content - and it’s also now favoring ‘shorts’ with quick videos less than 1 minute long

    • max video length (YT long-form) - 12 hours

    • max video length (YT shorts) - 60 seconds

Given the unique parameters of each platform, a smart (and time-saving) strategy for cross-posting is to create engaging and educational videos that are 90 seconds or less. This length is optimal for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter, while also being acceptable for LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube's 'Shorts'. Coupling concise, engaging storytelling with educational value transcends platform boundaries, ensuring your content resonates with varied audiences.

While cross-posting offers wide reach, certain video content types flourish best on specific platforms. For example, YouTube is the ideal home for long-form educational videos or detailed product reviews, appreciating its audience's appetite for depth and learning. TikTok, with its Gen Z stronghold, provides the perfect stage for short, fun, and quirky videos that embody creativity and entertainment. With TikTok recently expanding it’s limit to 10 minutes, it is also competing with YouTube by favoring longer-form content. LinkedIn's professional atmosphere is most receptive to industry insights, expert interviews, or career development-related content, reflecting the platform's focus on professional growth and networking. If you want to focus in on one specific platform, tailoring your content to that platform's unique preferences will allow you to engage more deeply with that platforms demographic you may achieve traction on that specific platform more quickly than applying the same strategy to all platforms.

So, which is better - focus on one platform or create content that fits them all?

The choice between focusing on one platform versus creating platform-agnostic content depends on your brand's goals, target audience, and resources. If you're seeking broad reach and have a varied demographic, creating platform-agnostic content can ensure your message permeates across different audiences. This strategy is time-efficient and guarantees consistent branding. However, if your goal is to engage deeply with a specific audience demographic or you have content that is particularly well-suited for a certain platform's format, focusing your efforts on that platform can lead to more rapid traction and deeper engagement. Ultimately, a balanced approach—combining broad reach with platform-specific content—may yield the most comprehensive results.

After choosing your platform strategy, another question often arises:

Which performs better - highly produced, polished content or more organic, user-generated style content?

Let's weigh the pros and cons of each to help you decide.

Highly Produced and Polished Content


  1. Credibility: Professionally produced content can enhance the perceived quality and credibility of your brand. It often aligns well with a company's branding and messaging, leading to a cohesive brand identity.

  2. Precision: With full control over every aspect of the production, from scripting to editing, brands can precisely communicate their intended message and cater to their audience's expectations.


  1. Cost and Time: High-quality production often comes with higher costs, both in terms of money and time. You need to consider equipment, professionals, post-production, and sometimes even locations.

  2. May Lack Authenticity: Depending on the execution, highly polished content can sometimes be perceived as inauthentic or less relatable by certain audiences, particularly younger demographics.

User-Generated Content (UGC)


  1. Authenticity: UGC is often seen as more authentic and relatable because it's created by real people sharing their real experiences. This can build trust and loyalty among audiences.

  2. Cost-Efficient: UGC is typically less expensive to produce. It often requires less time and fewer resources, making it a cost-effective method of generating content.


  1. Quality Control: The quality of UGC can vary greatly, and it may not always align with your brand aesthetics or the standard you wish to maintain.

  2. Message Control: As UGC is created by users, you have less control over the message they communicate, which could potentially deviate from your brand narrative or cause misunderstanding.

How do I know if my video content is performing well? Is my strategy working?

You can gauge the performance of your video content by analyzing key metrics such as views, shares, comments, watch time, and engagement rate. High views and shares suggest your video is resonating well with your audience and is being distributed widely. Comments are indicative of audience engagement, and high engagement rates are a positive sign of not just views, but active interaction. Paying attention to watch time is also critical, especially on platforms like YouTube, where the algorithm favors videos that keep viewers on the platform longer. Use these metrics as a feedback loop to continually refine your video content strategy.

What up-and-coming trends should I be aware of, what is next at the intersection of video and social media?

Several trends are shaping the landscape of social media video content. One that has gained a lot of traction the past couple years is the rise of vertical video, driven by the popularity of mobile-first platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Another trend is the increasing popularity of live-streams, which offer real-time engagement and foster a sense of community. Looking ahead, thought leaders predict more immersive video experiences such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) content, as well as more interactive features like shoppable videos, to grow in popularity.

Why do most people fail at video content?

The reasons echo the common pitfalls encountered in many pursuits.

  • A prominent one is quitting too soon and lacking consistency. Video content creation, like any other form of content creation, requires time, patience, and regularity to gain traction and build an engaged audience.

  • The quest for authenticity is often sidetracked when creators attempt to emulate others, stemming from insecurity, excessive concern over public opinion (stop caring what everyone thinks!), or underestimation of their own unique value. Authenticity is critical in connecting with the audience; therefore, losing one's unique voice and style can negatively impact audience engagement and growth.

  • Insufficient preparation is another significant barrier. When video content creation is relegated to a low-priority activity, with little to no preparation or effort, it is likely to deliver minimal value. Without thoughtful planning and effort, it's challenging to create impactful and valuable content that resonates with viewers and encourages them to return for more. Creating video content without preparation is like trying to bake a cake without a recipe.

Notice what we didn’t say?

These are NOT the reasons most people are failing at video:

  • You posted your video at the wrong time of day.

  • You don’t have the latest and greatest camera.

  • Your hair doesn’t look perfect and you didn’t buy that new sexy outfit you’ve been eyeing.

  • You’re shadow-banned because Mark Zuckerburg doesn’t like you.

Success leaves clues - here are some threads that fuel people and brands who’ve gained a lot of traction with their video content.

  • Consistent and committed: The individuals and brands that truly stand out are those who commit to their craft and consistently deliver content. They understand that building an audience doesn't happen overnight but requires a sustained and consistent effort over time. This consistent content schedule not only keeps their audience engaged but also works in favor with most social media algorithms, thereby expanding their reach.

  • Embrace authenticity: Successful creators and brands have a unique voice and aren't afraid to let it shine through their content. They understand that audiences appreciate authenticity and can distinguish between original content and content that's trying too hard to mimic someone else. This genuine connection fosters a loyal and engaged audience base that's invested in their journey.

  • Prioritize and prepare: They treat video content creation as a priority and a revenue-producing activity rather than an afterthought. Successful creators and brands allocate sufficient time (or money) for brainstorming, scriptwriting, filming, and editing to ensure their videos are high-quality, valuable, and engaging. This preparation shines through in the final product, leading to content that truly resonates with viewers and has them coming back for more.

In Summary

In the fast-paced, dynamic world of social media, understanding the unique characteristics and user behaviors on each platform is a key to success. Each social media platform has its own strengths, weaknesses, and unique audiences. By recognizing these differences and leveraging them to your advantage, you can craft a video content strategy that resonates with your target audience across multiple platforms.

Don't be afraid to experiment. The digital landscape is constantly evolving and the best way to keep up is to analyze, iterate, and adapt. Remember, what works for one brand might not work for yours. It's essential to study your analytics, understand the preferences of your audience, and refine your approach based on the results.

Success in social media video content isn't about chasing perfection; it's about consistency, authenticity, preparation, and above all, providing value. The brands and creators who've mastered this are the ones who consistently engage their audience, build trust, and foster a community.

So, are you ready to join them? It might seem overwhelming, but with the right approach and support, you can create powerful video content that resonates with your audience, builds your brand, and drives results.

For personalized advice or to start planning your video content strategy, don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact me at mark@brandtegic.co or book a time HERE to brainstorm content ideas and develop a gameplan.

Turn off your inner critic, turn on your camera, and start creating.


Effective Video Content + Effective Social Media Funnel = Results


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