Here's the copywriting formula you’ve been missing


Writing copy looks easy on the surface — all it takes is a word processor and a few quick strokes of the keyboard ... right?

Not quite.

In marketing, your copy is pivotal to getting your audience to invest their time, attention, trust, and money in your products and services. Here are the 5 Cs of influential communication that marketers across all industries have been using:


Make sure what you're writing is easy to read. Use terms that your audience would be familiar with so there isn't confusion in what you're trying to get across — remember to talk in their language, not yours. Try reading what you’ve written out loud to see if it sounds natural.


Any good writer knows how to say more in fewer words. Sometimes this means removing unnecessary adverbs or redundant phrases. Also be on the lookout for non-words — like "so you can," "thing," "really," or "that."


So you've got clear and concise copy, now you need to make sure your readers believe what you're saying. Whether it's data, specific testimonials, or practical ways your product will solve a problem, always back up your claims with evidence.


Here's a little secret for you: Compelling copy isn't creating the conversation for your customers, but jumping into the conversations your customers are already having. Think about their assumptions, hopes, doubts, or fears running through their minds: "I wish I could find time to be productive instead of mindlessly looking at my phone," or, "How could I possibly save money when I'm living paycheck to paycheck?" Capture the real thoughts your target audience has, and start creating a personal connection that draws them in.


If you've followed the steps above, the call to action is the easy part. What is the next step for your audience to take? Read your blog? Subscribe to your newsletter? Buy your product? Once you've given them clear, concise, credible, and compelling copy, make the ask and chances are they'll say “Yes!"


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