Top 10 Ways to Level Up Your Email Database


The only way you're going to experience the joys of high-converting email campaigns is if you can grow distribution lists of interested and engaged subscribers. Here are our top 10 ways to start leveling-up your email databases:

  1. Make your emails shareable

    Include social media and "email to a friend" buttons in all of your marketing emails, and encourage your readers to share with their friends.

  2. Push email sign-ups on your website

    Include email sign-up options on key pages of your website, or at least on your homepage so people can easily find it!

  3. Create free downloadable content

    Offer free webinars, guides, videos, etc. in return for an email address. If your content is valuable to your audience, they'll happily sign up to receive more from you!

  4. Try out pop-up windows

    When used tastefully, pop-ups have been known to increase email subscriptions by 30x.

  5. Collect emails in-store

    If your company has a storefront, consider offering to sign up your customers for your email list as they're checking out to stay up to date with news and exclusive promotions.

  6. Optimize your email sign-up forms

    Think of the sign-up form as the last hurdle you have to win your customers over — don't make it long and exhaustive. Keep it quick and as straightforward as possible to not scare readers off.

  7. Host competitions

    Interactive content is always a great way to keep your audience engaged with your content. Competitions, contests, and giveaways all lead to great engagement and sharing with friends.

  8. Take advantage of paid advertising

    Marketers will use paid ads to send users to their website, landing page, sales page, or contact form. You can use paid advertising to send them to your email sign-up form.

  9. Send out an online poll or survey

    When you send these out asking for feedback or research, ask for the user's email so you can keep them updated with the results.

  10. Create great content

    This one may be a no-brainer, but content is king when it comes to growing your email database. Without it, your subscribers will quickly lose interest and opt-out of your list. But with an ongoing content strategy that caters to your readers’ needs and interests, you’re going to have a great foundation for a growing and thriving email database.


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Your email campaigns aren't just about selling products