What you can do to start planning for Christmas now (and why it’s never too early to get started)


Every year retailers "sneak" Christmas into their marketing campaigns and onto their shelves earlier and earlier, but it may be harder to know what to expect as we approach this festive season. Here's how you can start prepping your team to gear up for Christmas marketing, regardless of what’s in store.

Gather what you learned from 2020

Before you get started, take a look at your data from last year — what worked, what didn't, and why. And more than Christmastime, look back at the entire year to see how your consumer's habits have changed in light of the pandemic.

Take a look at your target audience

Speaking of consumers, who are you targeting? Now with many people switching to strictly online shopping, you may see a surge in new customers. Review your demographics and consider creating new personas.

Implement the technology you'll need

Using your time and resources wisely is going to free up more time to focus on strategy. Rather than doing tedious tasks yourself (sending emails, posting on social media, logging calls, etc.), start using systems that can automate those tasks for you. This will give you an edge and keep you up-to-date with what your competitors are doing.

Set up your schedule

Christmas may feel far away right now, but trust us — it'll be here before you know it. And not just Christmas, but all the festivities that surround it. Getting your calendar established beforehand will help ease the chaos that will inevitably come during one of the busiest times of the year. Here are some ideas of what you can start planning for:

  • Black Friday

  • Cyber Monday

  • Christmas countdown

  • Christmas party planning

  • Holiday gift guide

  • Last day to purchase for Christmas delivery

  • New Year's party planning

  • Christmas Day/New Year's Day email

  • New Year's Sale

Are you overwhelmed yet?

You don't have to be! Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and schedule a meeting with your team to start talking about ideas. You can also get in touch with our team at Brandtegic and let us come alongside you as you prep for the most wonderful (and most busy) time of year.


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