Too much screen time? Here’s how social media managers can avoid burnout


Social media burnout is a form of occupational burnout. The World Health Organization defines it as "resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”

Burnout can happen anytime and with any job, but it's become more common in the social media industry where it's almost impossible to unplug. If you work in social media for a living, here are some ways you can avoid burnout and start living a healthier, less stressed lifestyle:

  1. Be proactive about your schedule

    Setting boundaries for yourself is the only way not to feel like you're on-call 24/7. Work with your boss to set expectations so you can maintain a good work-life balance — are there certain times during the day or evening you won’t be available to post? Find ways to create margin where you’re not looking at your work accounts.

  2. Recognize when burnout is on the horizon

    What are warning signs that you're about to experience burnout? Maybe you find yourself feeling negative about everything at work, you're losing sleep, or you're beginning to isolate yourself. When you know your warning signs, you'll know when to pull back and take a pause.

  3. Reach out for help

    Are you doing too much? Social media managers may be able to handle the work of a graphic designer, copywriter, and PR rep, but that doesn't mean they should. Maybe it's time to build out a case to hire a contractor or another full-time position.

  4. Establish and maintain healthy habits

    Here are just a few things you can do at home to stay healthy at work:

    • Exercise

    • Meditate

    • Eat healthy

    • Protect your eyes

    • Get plenty of sleep

    • Take regular breaks

  5. Focus on the positive

    You may be bombarded by hateful comments and emails, so you need to remind yourself that you're doing a good job.

    And hey, while we're here ... you're doing a really great job. So print out kind emails and feedback and pin them to your wall. Bookmark your best tweets and Instagram posts. Do what you gotta do to remind yourself that what you're doing matters!


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