How to Reduce Your Unsubscribers


Putting a lot of work into an email only to have your audience continually click the "unsubscribe" button can be incredibly frustrating. But the reason one person is unsubscribing can be completely different for another person. How do you lessen your number of opt-outs? Here are a few tips:

  1. Establish a double opt-in feature

    Double opt-in is a confirmation email your subscribers receive after signing up for your newsletter. This ensures that the first opt-in wasn't an accident, or made by someone other than the recipient. After opting in twice, the subscribers on your list will be more engaged and far less likely to unsubscribe from your emails.

  2. Use personalizations

    Sometimes even using your recipient's first name in the email or subject line can add a touch of personalization that makes them feel like more than a number on your list.

  3. Write attention-grabbing subject lines

    Think of the subject line as your company's first impression. Oftentimes people open emails based off subject lines alone! So if it isn't sparking curiosity or exciting your customers in some way, they might hit "delete" or "unsubscribe" without reading anything else.

  4. Segment your lists

    Not all subscribers are created equal. Your email lists most likely represent a diverse group of ages, genders, backgrounds, and preferences. So sending one broad email to everyone may be ineffective. Start by segmenting your lists by interest, e.g. men's fashion and women's fashion, in order to send emails that better align with the subscriber’s interests.

  5. Offer special promotions

    What's so special about your emails? What are subscribers getting from you in their inbox that they aren't getting anywhere else? Use your email campaigns as a chance to offer special offers and promotions exclusively for your email list — they'll want to stick around to see what other VIP treatment they can get.

Opt-outs are normal — even the best emails will still lose subscribers. But we hope that after following some of these tips you will start to see those unsubscribe numbers go down!


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