How you can start 2023 fresh with your social media strategy

While you’re making personal resolutions for the new year, why not make some marketing resolutions too? What social media goals do you want to accomplish in 2023? What did you learn from last year, and what can you do better?

As we start fresh in January, here are a few simple ways you can start (or continue) thinking about your social media strategy and how you can refine it:

  1. Define your goals

    Strategy starts with goal setting! According to Sprout Social, the most common goals for social are increasing brand awareness and increasing community engagement. How do those analytics look for your business? Either way, your goals are what will define your strategy and what you put most of your time and money into.

  2. Brush up on your target audience

    Are you current on your audience research? If you haven’t been keeping tabs on what your key demographic is talking about, what platforms they’re on, or what they’re looking for, you can get started now. But don’t spread yourself too thin — if your core audience is active on one or two platforms, focus your strategy there.

  3. Be timely with your social media

    In other words, post at the best times for engagement, respond to customer comments as soon as you can, and consistently post fresh and relevant content. Maybe this will also bring up opportunities to create or improve your strategy around community building! Talking to your customers will increase your audience awareness — people will always spread the word about great customer service.

Start setting actionable milestones for your 2023 social media strategy now, and you’ll be way ahead of the curve and ready to take on the new year!

Need help with your social? Book a call with our team for your free strategy call.


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