Five Questions to Ask About Your Online Video Strategy


According to Zenith's Online Video Forecasts 2019 report, the average person will spend 100 minutes every day in 2021 watching videos online — that's 25 straight days of video!

Online video consumption is growing at a rapid pace, and as a marketer there can be a lot of pressure to amp up your video strategy within a short time frame. Here are a few questions to ask when launching a plan for your business's online video strategy:

  1. What are your goals?

    Start with a few goals so you don't get overwhelmed — what do you want your videos to accomplish? Using the marketing funnel can also be helpful when dictating how you talk to your audience. Your goals could be anywhere from simply creating brand awareness to making a sale.

  2. Where do you want to share your video?

    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat all host videos of different lengths and dimensions. That list may feel long, so start with a platform where you already have an audience established. If you've already gained a following on Instagram, start looking into posting reels.

  3. What types of video do you want to publish?

    This could be anywhere from educational videos that inform potential customers who you are and what your company does, to entertaining videos that make people laugh. You could conduct interviews, film testimonials, or give people a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at your offices. Each method has different benefits, so choose a few that fit your purposes the best.

  4. When do you want to publish?

    With videos, you'll need to plan out reoccuring videos in order for them to be successful. Websites like Sprout Social and Hootsuite offer options for you to schedule posts over a variety of different platforms, giving your videos the most exposure to your audience as possible.

  5. How do you know if your videos are successful?

    Analyzing and understanding your video's metrics are the name of the game. You won't know if your videos are performing well unless you take a look at its statistics — how many people watched it? Did anyone like, share, or comment? How did they find your video? Each platform has native analytics you can always pull relevant information from.

We hope this post is enough to get you started — now go post some videos!


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