The Best Strategies for Using LinkedIn in 2021


LinkedIn calls itself "the world's largest professional network." Because the site lends itself toward more formal and professional methods of communication, a LinkedIn strategy should look a lot different than that of other social media sites.

With over 756 million members in over 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn is growing at an incredible pace. Targeting their audience may not only be beneficial for your business, but crucial. Here are a few ways to make the most of your LinkedIn marketing:

  1. Know the demographics.

    The people you see on Instagram and Tiktok will look and sound vastly different than the people you’ll come across on LinkedIn. 57 percent of worldwide LinkedIn users are male, according to a recent statistic, and 43% are female. 38 percent of members are between 25 and 34 years old, 30% are between 35-54, and 24% are between 18 and 24. Visit sites like and to stay current on what your audience on LinkedIn looks like.

  2. Stand out from the competition.

    When your profile visitors look at your page, they should immediately recognize it as yours. A great way to make your profile easily identifiable and in line with your other branding is to customize your name, headline, and other simple features.

    Keeping your company's profile up-to-date is one of the most important things you can do to attract new clients or employees. Let them know you care about making a good first impression.

  3. Optimize your profile to make it easily searchable.

    A Company Page with SEO will help you gain visibility for those who are looking for what your business offers. Insert keywords, link to your page, make sure your employee's LinkedIn pages are up to date, and share content. Which brings us to our last tip ...

  4. Share and create new content often.

    Sharing content and responding to comments is a great way to keep people engaged. Publishing content on your LinkedIn page not only will boost your SEO, but it will show that your company is led by thought leaders in your industry. A great way to get started is to syndicate content from your company blog to LinkedIn and promote subscription to your blog at the same time!

As LinkedIn continues to grow and adds more resources for businesses, clients, and employees, it should continue to be an integral part of your business strategy. Get started today by experimenting with some of these best practices.


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