Curating Your Instagram Feed, Part 1


All marketers know you need words to sell your product and create brand awareness. But you also need more than words — you need visuals. Your Instagram feed is a great place for posting pictures that evoke certain feelings and ideals about your brand.

What story do your pictures tell?

People aren't just attracted to products; they're attracted to stories. A story that gives someone hope for a solution, that puts a smile on their face, or makes them laugh is more likely to make a connection to your audience than any sales pitch could.

Use the images on your feed to tell the stories of your customers, of the heart behind your products, and the values that keep your company grounded.

Five categories for your images

To publish the most relevant, attention-grabbing images, it needs to fit into at least one of these five categories:

  1. Relevant: Post something that's trending online. Think memes, Tiktok dances, etc. What's everyone talking about right now?

  2. Original: What sets you apart from your competitors? Post imaginative content so you can stand out in an over-saturated market.

  3. Digestible: You don't have much time to grab someone's attention as they're scrolling; post easily consumable images that don't take a lot of time to digest.

  4. Timely: Post about an upcoming event, holiday, or festival that your audience mostly likely knows about.

  5. Actionable: These posts include a call-to-action — a next step for your audience to take to like your image, learn more on your website, comment on your page, and more.

Check back next week for Part 2 of Curating Your Instagram Feed!

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Curating Your Instagram Feed, Part 2


Your Beginner’s Guide to TikTok