How your brand can go viral on TikTok (and why you should care!)

Too many companies discount TikTok as a social media platform for Gen Z. What it’s time to come to terms with is its massive influence of people of all ages. And the best part is that anyone can blow up on TikTok — from people with one follower to one million. The app’s algorithm provides equal opportunity for any user to go viral and build an audience over time.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to start using TikTok as a marketing tool. There are certain steps you can take to gain viewers and create more brand awareness. Here are just a few:

Take Advantage of TikTok’s Editing Suite

In a previous blog post we walked you through just a few tools TikTok offers for you to spice up your videos — creating slideshows, adding captions and music, and more. Using these will make the algorithm work in your favor!

Use Hashtags

Use somewhere between three and five hashtags, using words that directly relate to your post. Featuring a new house that your real estate firm just listed? Use #newlisting or #realestate. Posting new makeup products? Try #makeup or #eyeshadow. Find hashtags that are unique and aren’t being used by millions of other users.

Keep It Short

Shorter videos tend to attract more viewership because they don’t give people enough time to lose interest. You could use all 180 seconds for your TikTok video, but 15 seconds may yield you better results.

Know the Trends

It’s easy to find what’s trending on TikTok — just spend a few minutes scrolling through the front page to find what everyone is talking about. This will raise your chances of getting featured. You could start by checking to see if it’s a Bones or No Bones day, or learning how to make that candy from the show Squid Game.

Put Your Phone Down

Here’s a secret … TikTok wants you to keep scrolling on their app. They don’t want you to put your phone down and walk away. So if you do walk away, they’ll try and get you back by putting your video in front of more people and generating more notifications on your phone. So next time you post a video, trying closing out the app for a while before logging back in. You may come back to a flood of views and comments.

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