All personal injury lawyers should be doing this on social media

It’s difficult to walk more than 30 minutes in any direction without seeing an ad for a personal injury lawyer — it’s a competitive industry. Yes, there’s billboards and TV commercials and yellow page ads, but that shouldn’t be your only marketing strategy. Here’s what you can be doing as a personal injury lawyer to stay up-to-date on social media marketing practices and prove to clients why they should be working with you.

Make the legal process accessible to people

The people you’re working with are in a vulnerable and stressful situation — they’ve just been injured, and now they’re trying to navigate the legal process. Write your content assuming the reader knows nothing about the legal system. Share helpful, easy to understand, and easy to navigate content.

Share blog posts

Yes, you may already be writing blog posts, but make sure you are sharing them on multiple platforms — Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Don’t forget to include an appealing headline to increase clicks!

And, if you’re not already writing blog posts, consider starting one so you can address some commonly asked questions: How do you file a lawsuit? How much does a lawyer cost? Can you sue for emotional injuries? And so on.

Engage with comments

One of the biggest advantages of being active on social media is the ability to talk directly to your audience. Answer questions from potential clients and show them your expertise! Think about what it would take for you to set aside a few hours of your week to review and respond to comments. It could be worth it!

Keep track of results

Keeping track of your data will show you what works, what doesn’t, and what you could be doing differently. Law firms that don’t do this will waste their resources on digital marketing campaigns that are ineffective.

If you’re not already using social media to promote your firm’s services, start small! Use some tips mentioned here to start attracting legal leads and grow your practice!

Need help with your social? Book a call with our team for your free strategy call.


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